Keith Murray Acupuncture – United Kingdom
Dealing with different kinds of ailments? Try Keith Murray Acupuncture. Keith Acupuncture Practice offers acupressure services around Wiltshire and Somerset including Bradford, Avon, Frome, Melksham, Bath, Westbury, Trowbridge, Warminster, Chippenham, Radstock and Midsomer Norton for over two decades. Keith has hailed from the College of Traditional Acupuncture and then done two years of post-graduate work at The Integrated College of Chinese Medicine and continues studies as part of The Continual Professional Development program. Along with running a full-time practice, Keith has also worked for several books, worked for the British Acupuncture Council & 5 years lectured on the Oxford-Brookes Acupuncture Degree Course.
Address:- The Church St Practice, 15a Church St, Bradford on Avon, Wiltshire BA15 1LN, United Kingdom